Daihatsu Trevis engine oil capacity

Engine oil capacity Daihatsu Trevis 1.0 l in quarts/liters is needed for an oil change including replacement of oil filter.

  • Car fuel use: gasoline.
  • Daihatsu Trevis 1.0 l engine code: EJ.
  • Engine capacity: 989 ccm (60,05 cubic inches).
  • Daihatsu Trevis 1.0 l engine oil capacity with filter: 2.43 quarts or 2.3 liters
  • Daihatsu Trevis 1.0 l recommended engine oil: Castrol 10w-40 Magnatec, Castrol 15w-40 GTX, 10w-40 Mobil 1 Super 2000 X1, 15w-40 Mobil 1 Super 1000 X11 . (check your owners manual for the exact type before adding new oil)
  • Daihatsu Trevis 1.0 l oil change intervals: 15000 km (9320 miles) / 12 months


Note: All measures are taken in: Liter [L, l], Quart (US) [qt (US), qt liq (US)], Gallon (US)

For instructions on how to reset service light indicator Daihatsu visit this page

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1 thought on “Daihatsu Trevis engine oil capacity”

  1. Your post provides an abundance of vital and helpful details for Daihatsu Trevis 1.0L vehicle owners. The information presented is clear and concise, covering the essential specifications for engine oil and oil filter replacement. I appreciate that you’ve included oil change intervals, along with engine codes, which are vital for correctly identifying vehicle components. Additionally, I appreciate the recommendation to check the owner’s manual before adding new oil, which is crucial advice for all car owners. In conclusion, your post is extremely informative and will greatly assist those in search of these specific details.


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